In this article, we’ll discuss four of the most common summer challenges that homeless pet face.

In this article, we’ll discuss four of the most common summer challenges that homeless pet face.

Effects of global warming

The effects of global warming are already being felt powerfully as summer highs continue to worsen. Because they don’t realize how miserable the stray dogs are, or occasionally even their own pets, people frequently pass by them as they go down the street. Here, we provide some general advice that we hope will assist readers in identifying the warning signs of canine heatstroke as well as advice on how to take care of the neighborhood animals when there is a heat wave.

Give stray animals water, not just food

For drinking water, it is better to use terracotta bowls because they keep water cooler for longer than other materials. You may also put a cold stone inside the bowl to extend the life of the cooler. To prevent waterborne diseases, make sure you clean and change the water frequently. Always refrain from adding ice-cold water. Because dry food is more economical than dog food, many people feed stray animals dry foods such plain chapattis or biscuits for their convenience. To prevent dehydration, it would be advisable to supply water along with such items.

Construct temporary shelter

If your house has a porch or a driveway, these can be great places to temporarily hide a dog or two from the heat. So that you don’t have to bother about replenishing it frequently, you can leave a water bowl out and replace it once every 24 hours. Rinse the bowl as frequently as you can to keep it clean. Keep in mind that it is best to feed or water stray animals from separate bowls if you also have a pet.

Get the necessary permissions from your RWA society if you reside in an apartment building or complex so that you can set aside a space, if not for adult animals, then at least for young animals who may be left behind by their mothers or who may otherwise be isolated and at risk of dying from the heat. If they protest to you bringing them inside the society, persuade them to allow you to construct a tiny shelter outside the main gate.

Try to make it a habit to check under your car before you start your journey

you frequently park in a location where there are a lot of stray animals present. Do your best to scan your side view and rearview mirrors before you park or pull away from a position to make sure there aren’t any nearby animals that could get hurt.

Cats and dogs frequently seek shelter under cars. They frequently doze off underneath cars as a result of the heat. While some of them could be familiar with the sound of a car’s ignition being turned on, others would not or might be sound asleep.

If people took a few extra seconds of attention while driving, many animal lives could be saved. Especially in this closure, people are speeding too much due to the low traffic. At the same time, with less traffic, there are more lost children standing in the middle of the road than before. Taken together, this is a bad combination, leading to an increase in vehicle-related accidents.

Build shelters for the summer

In contrast to wintertime shelters for stray dogs, summertime shelters should put an emphasis on keeping the animals cool.

Employ a grass mat as the shed’s lining and floor, then make the walls of the shelter out of cardboard and cloth. Make sure your shelter is large enough to prevent heat buildup and that it is situated in a cool area. To chill them down in the afternoon, you can also add damp towels and sheets.

Watch out and save a life.

Indicate cases! There are numerous Facebook and Instagram accounts of animal welfare organizations that can readily give you the phone numbers of ambulance services, veterinarians, and occasionally paravets. Do not disregard an animal in pain, please. You can refer to our essay on first aid, which we have written. Keep in mind that the actions you do might perhaps save their lives.

Also, while many people and organizations are eager to assist, please be aware that they are all currently understaffed. Keep in mind that making just one call or sending just one message won’t be sufficient. If you receive a positive response from a group, wait until they can arrive and try to provide them some financial assistance so they can take care of more animals.


How can I recognize a dog that is experiencing heatstroke?

The symptoms of a canine heat stroke include:

  • Panting – It is entirely normal for dogs to pant in hot weather because panting is how they maintain their body temperature in general. Nevertheless, if you think your dog is panting excessively or too quickly, it could be worth recording it so you can show a vet or someone else who has more experience.
  • Dry nose – While a wet nose often indicates that a dog is healthy, a dry nose may be the first sign that anything is wrong.
  • Drooling – A dog may drool in some circumstances, but if there doesn’t appear to be a clear-cut trigger that you can identify, you should look into it further. Another effect of the environment’s extreme heat on dogs is that some dogs drool when they are sick, and sickness is frequently accompanied by dizziness.
  • Lethargy – Although the summer months make dogs drowsy, if it appears severe, for a normally active dog to move about less, or even seem dizzy or goofy when walking, then it is worth taking note of.
  • Elevated pulse –If you feel comfortable touching or handling the dog, you can feel their pulse either on the chest behind the left front leg, or the inside of a hind leg (if the dog lets you). You can look this up to understand where to place your hand better if you’re feeling unsure. But keep in mind that dogs that are smaller in size have a faster heart rate than bigger ones, so try to take that into account when determining if there is a cause of concern.
  • Increased pulse – If you feel comfortable handling or stroking the dog, you can feel their pulse on the inside of a hind leg or on the chest behind the left front leg (if the dog lets you). If you’re uncertain where to put your hand, you can look this up to get a better understanding. However, bear in mind that smaller dogs have a quicker heart rate than larger dogs, so try to consider that when assessing whether there is a reason for concern.
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“During a heat wave, compassion knows no bounds. Providing shade, fresh water, and seeking shelter for stray animals is not just an act of kindness, but a duty of empathy towards our fellow beings, ensuring they too find respite from the scorching heat.”