Helping Animals in Contingencies
APS celebrates all the festivities by feeding our homeless buddies.
In case of any calamity or extremity, we ensure the safety of our furry friends who are living helplessly on the streets. During these lockdowns, each day we had fed more than 400 street animals including dogs, cats, donkeys, cows, pigs, etc.

About Campaign
we believe in the power of compassion, especially during challenging times. Our “Helping Animals in Contingencies” campaign is a dedicated effort to provide assistance and care to animals facing crises and emergencies.
Mission: In times of natural disasters, emergencies, or unforeseen contingencies, animals are often among the most vulnerable. Our mission is to be a reliable source of support, ensuring that animals affected by disasters receive the care they urgently need.
Campaign Objectives:
- Emergency Relief: Rapid response to provide immediate relief to animals affected by natural disasters, such as floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and more.
- Shelter and Care: Establishing temporary shelters for displaced animals and offering necessary veterinary care, food, and comfort.
- Reuniting Families: Facilitating the reunification of animals with their owners whenever possible, ensuring that the bonds between pets and their human companions are not broken during crises.
Your support is crucial in helping us extend our assistance to animals in times of contingencies. Here are ways you can make a difference:

Donation Details
- Online Donations: Visit our website paypal link to make a secure online donation.
- Offline Donations: Contact us at +91 9468957783 to learn about alternative donation methods or to contribute in-kind donations.
- Identification of Areas: Identify locations with homeless animal populations.
- Placement of Water Bowls: Strategically place water bowls in these areas.
- Regular Refilling: Maintain a schedule for refilling the bowls with clean water.
- Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly check and clean the bowls for hygiene.
- Expansion and Sustainability: Explore opportunities for project growth and long-term support.
What do you love about being a sponsor?
Donation Form
Donate now! Support our mission to connect people to quality giving and volunteer opportunities worldwide!
Your Donation, Their Transformation. Make a difference today. Every contribution matters. Blessed are the givers, grateful are the receivers.
Pay Offline
Bank account detail
Bank Name: HDFC Bank
Ac Holder Name: Animal Protection Society Udaipur
Ac no: – 50200063004617
Ifsc code: – HDFC0006554
Ac Type: – Current Account
Branch: Shobhaghpura
paytm/upi :
Join Our Mission
Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can ensure that every animal and bird has access to the basic necessity of clean water. Join us today and be the voice for the voiceless. Together, we can create a better world for all living beings.